Welcome To TheHetz.com

Welcome to the online home of TheHetz.

Because Everyone Needs a Web Site

This is a site primarily for hosting my blog.  I post things about technology and solutions to problems that I faced, hopefully some out there finds these things useful in solving their problems as well.

Cute kids

Hey, check out this picture of cute kids!

This is a stock photo that comes with the 'seed' data in the Piranha CMS that I am using.  Why not WordPress you ask?  Well, dear reader, this one allows me to customize the code.  Which is .NET core 8.0 and is hosted in Azure.

Other parts of this site

Below are the self-promotion posts which just reference the links at the top.  I will be adding more pages as time goes on.

TheHetz's Blog

Keep yourself updated with the latest and greatest news from me, TheHetz. All of this knowledge is at your fingertips, what are you waiting for?

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Read The Docs

When I have docs to post, they will be posted here.

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